XXXIII. File Alteration Monitor Functions


FAM monitors files and directories, notifying interested applications of changes. More information about FAM is available at

A PHP script may specify a list of files for FAM to monitor using the functions provided by this extension.

The FAM process is started when the first connection from any application to it is opened. It exits after all connections to it have been closed.

Notatka: To rozszerzenie zostało przeniesione do repozytorium PECL i nie jest rozprowadzane z PHP od wersji 5.1.0.

Notatka: To rozszerzenie nie jest dostępne na platformie Windows.


This extension uses the functions of the FAM library, developed by SGI. Therefore you have to download and install the FAM library.


To use PHP's FAM support you must compile PHP --with-fam[=DIR] where DIR is the location of the directory containing the lib and include directories.

Konfiguracja czasu wykonywania

To rozszerzenie nie definiuje posiada żadnych dyrektyw konfiguracyjnych w pliku php.ini.

Stałe predefinopwane

Poniższe stałe są zdefiniowane w tym rozszerzeniu i stają się dostępne, gdy rozszerzenie jest dokompilowane do PHP, lub załadowane dynamicznie przy starcie.

Tabela 1. FAM event constants

FAMChanged (integer) Some value which can be obtained with fstat(1) changed for a file or directory.
FAMDeleted (integer) A file or directory was deleted or renamed.
FAMStartExecuting (integer) An executable file started executing.
FAMStopExecuting (integer) An executable file that was running finished.
FAMCreated (integer) A file was created in a directory.
FAMMoved (integer) This event never occurs.
FAMAcknowledge (integer) An event in response to fam_cancel_monitor().
FAMExists (integer) An event upon request to monitor a file or directory. When a directory is monitored, an event for that directory and every file contained in that directory is issued.
FAMEndExist (integer) Event after the last FAMEExists event.
Spis treści
fam_cancel_monitor -- Terminate monitoring
fam_close -- Close FAM connection
fam_monitor_collection -- Monitor a collection of files in a directory for changes
fam_monitor_directory -- Monitor a directory for changes
fam_monitor_file -- Monitor a regular file for changes
fam_next_event -- Get next pending FAM event
fam_open -- Open connection to FAM daemon
fam_pending -- Check for pending FAM events
fam_resume_monitor -- Resume suspended monitoring
fam_suspend_monitor -- Temporarily suspend monitoring

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Generated: 2007-01-26 18:02:30