CX. Pspell Functions

The pspell() functions allow you to check the spelling of a word and offer suggestions.

You need the aspell and pspell libraries, available from and respectively, and add the --with-pspell[=dir] option when compiling php.

Tabla de contenidos
pspell_add_to_personal -- Agrega la palabra a la lista personal de palabras
pspell_add_to_session -- Agrega la palabra a la lista de palabras en la sesión actual
pspell_check -- Check a word
pspell_clear_session -- Limpia la sesión actual
pspell_config_create -- Create a config used to open a dictionary
pspell_config_data_dir --  location of language data files
pspell_config_dict_dir --  Location of the main word list
pspell_config_ignore -- Ignore words less than N characters long
pspell_config_mode -- Change the mode number of suggestions returned
pspell_config_personal -- Set a file that contains personal wordlist
pspell_config_repl -- Set a file that contains replacement pairs
pspell_config_runtogether -- Consider run-together words as valid compounds
pspell_config_save_repl -- Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
pspell_new_config -- Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
pspell_new_personal -- Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist
pspell_new -- Load a new dictionary
pspell_save_wordlist -- Save the personal wordlist to a file
pspell_store_replacement -- Store a replacement pair for a word
pspell_suggest -- Suggest spellings of a word

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